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Posts from the ‘Politics’ Category

A day with an evicted family in occupied East Jerusalem

We spent the day in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem today. 28 Palestinian refugee families are at the threat of being evicted from their homes to become refugees again. Four families have already been evicted and thrown out on the streets of Sheikh Jarrah by Settlers with the support of the Israeli government – Police and Military involved.

The story of these internally displaced refugees is heartbreaking. Listen to Nasir as he shares with us the background of what is happening in Sheikh Jarrah. Note: Nasir only started learning English 17 months ago, and is a fluent Hebrew speaker as well. A man with many talents he is a graphics designer by profession, but has now made staying outside his own house in a tent his full-time duty. He shares his story with all the visitors, and even attempts to converse with his Occupiers.

The videos are below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

This set of videos was brought to my attention by the brilliant Palestine Video blog.

Protestor attempts to perform citizen’s arrest on Blair

Here is a video of protestor Grace McCann who explains her attempt at performing a citizen’s arrest on Tony Blair. Many hold Tony Blair responsible for an illegal war on Iraq. A war which has left hundreds of thousands of people dead. A war started on the apparent threat that Iraq posed with its weapons of non existence mass destruction.

Anyway, a video of Grace below courtesy of Sky News.

[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”225″ description=”Protestor attempts Citizen’s Arrest” player=”4″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]

Read the full article on stopwar here.

UK top 40, Lowkey’s Long Live Palestine part 2 did not make it.

So, many thanks to all who purchased this track, sadly it has not made the charts. At the end of the day, despite not making the charts, we did a good thing, I hope that a lot of money has been raised for Palestine.

The facebook group has changed it’s name to “LOWKEY’S CHARITY SINGLE FOR PALESTINE – HERE’S TO WEEK 2” which suggests this may be attempted for a second week running.

I do wonder though why it hasn’t hit the charts, not even the RnB singles charts. Whether it was disqualified because of multiple purchases, or just refusal because it’s too political or another reason altogether. It may just be that we didn’t have enough people buying it. There are rumours flying around that the BBC refused to play the song, unconfirmed as of yet.

Once we get sales figures, we’ll be able to deduce a more accurate answer. Till then, good work everyone.

Egyptian leaders should be ashamed

[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”330″ description=”Viva Palestina clashes with Egypt Police” player=”4″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]

It’s sad that Egypt continues to condemn the Gazans who have been struck by poverty as a result of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead a year ago. Egypt continues to refuse entry for the Viva Palestina Convoy. It has said that 25% of the convoy must go through the Israeli checkpoint, and we all know that if that were to happen that 25% will never reach Gaza.

The video above shows a Guardian report on the clashes between Viva Palestina and the Egyptian Police. What harm will it do to Egypt to let the convoy pass? If anything it will shed some good light on them for a change. But alas, Egypt is succumbing to pressure from Israel and the USA who for a reason that is their own wish to continue the suffering of the Palestinians.

Another recent decision by Israel to build a wall blocking the underground tunnels which the Gazans have been using to bring essential supplies through is absurd. Again, succumbing to pressure from America and Israel who fear that weapons may be transported through these tunnels.

The Egyptian government are sellouts. Instead of standing by Palestine, they are standing by the Zionist regime that is ethnically cleansing Arabs from their lands. I do hope that Egypt soon realise the mistake they are making, and allow this humanitarian aid to go through.

Israel have nothing to worry about. I’m 100% certain George Galloway didn’t bring a convoy all the way from London, UK just to import weapons for the Gazans. Why is such fuss being created in getting humanitarian aid into Gaza? It makes no sense to me.

The effects of operation Cast Lead are from from over. You think 1,300 Palestinians died? Wrong… Countless people continue to die due to poverty, lack of essential supplies, lack of medical attention. Israel’s strict restrictions continue to suffocate the people of Gaza.

Let’s pray the convoy gets through, for the sake of the suffering Gazans.

One year on – Israeli assault on Gaza

12 months have passed since Israel’s assault on Gaza named Operation Cast Lead, Palestine is yet to recover. Israel’s economic siege remains in place and no repair work has been carried out in Gaza due to restrictions imposed by Israel.

Israel’s use of white phosphorus on civilian targets, killing of innocent people waving white flags amongst other revelations in the Goldstone report has not given them a good moral standing. Israel is accused of breaking humanitarian law and Geneva conventions. Israeli politicians face the risk of arrest under charges of war crimes. The world stands by however, and seems to allow Israel to get away with breaking international law.

On to President Obama who, in his speech in Cairo, Egypt, had so much to say, has done very little. Israel continues to build settlements, desbite Obama saying that ALL settlement building must freeze. Netanyahu simply responded by saying a partial freeze will be in place (i.e. disregarded Obama’s request). Despite this blatant disregard, nothing was said, Israeli’s settlements continue to be built. Obama full of false promises comes to no surprise really.

On to Prime minister Gordon Brown, who is so worried about embarrassment that he puts saving face before the lives of the Palestinians. He bows to every Israeli demand, not much of a man, but merely a puppet. He is currently attempting to change the laws so Israeli politicians cannot be arrested in the UK under war crime charges, simply because it’s an embarrassment to his government. He is fully aware however that these courts work on an “Innocent until proven guilty” basis, thus, if the Israeli politicians are not guilty they have nothing to fear. The reason they do fear is because they ARE guilty, Brown aware of this fact, continues to try and protect these war criminals. He is in league with the war criminals, and equally responsible for little and no progress made in Palestine since Operation Cast Lead. Shame on the Labour government, shame on him. This being said, the Conservative government are no better. David Cameron commended Israel on Operation Cast Lead. A deluded man who I fear will be in power come next elections. Time will tell how his leadership pans out, but I’m pretty certain he’s in favour of Israel.

On to Egypt’s sad excuse of a human being, president Hosni Mubarak. The Viva Palestina Convoy is composed of 250 vehicles and ordinary people who have dedicated their time and efforts into rebuilding Gaza as well as they can without the much needed political backing of the Western governments. This convoy has been forced to detour thanks to Cairo’s obstruction and Mubarak’s bull headedness. So Egypt refused to allow it to go through the Red Sea port of Nuweiba, and the convoy is now taking a detour through Syria Latakia attempting to enter Egypt through the Mediterranean port city of El-Arish. The convoy was scheduled to deliver medical, humanitarian and educational aid to Gazans on December 27, which marked the first year anniversary of Israel’s three-week massacre. I have no doubt that the convoy will eventually reach where it must, no help of course from Mubarak. This man should be ashamed. A man who shows no compassion for his fellow Arabs living in poverty as a result of the actions of Israel.

So, one year on, not much has been done. I speak on behalf of all supporters of Palestine however when I say that in 2010 we will not forget the massacre by Israel. We will not forget the continuing oppression, the illegal occupation and the apartheid wall.  We will continue to protest, continue to boycott, make our voices heard, support the Palestinians with what is in our power to do so. Donate books, clothes, money, anything which will help get Gaza back on track. We will make sure that our politicians do not hear the end of it. Israel are owed a tribunal for their war crimes, let’s make it happen in 2010.

I wish you all a happy new year, may 2010 be a year of changes.